News Article

European Perovskite group publishes first White Paper


EPKI outlines opportunities and challenges for Europe’s photovoltaic industry

The European Perovskite Initiative (EPKI) - a consortium of 73 commercial and academic players working on perovskite photovoltaics in Europe - has launched its first white paper.

Louis Huber, coordinator of EPKI, commented: “At EPKI, we strongly believe that perovskite PV represents a great opportunity which has just begun to reveal itself. Through the edition of this white paper, the European Perovskite Initiative is acting as one voice for all its partners, asking for further support and plans to raise awareness among investors and the industrial community”.

Perovskite is now considered a key material for next generation PV modules. It is an abundant class of materials that combines high versatility, low processing costs and very high performance. Enormous progress has already been realised in the last decade but now more work is needed prior to its commercialisation.

The white paper describes characteristics of the material, the potential manufacturing and cost advantages, the stability and environmental aspects, the various product applications and the overall progression roadmap planned by the research community within Europe.

The publication also expresses the need for further commitment and support from European organisations as well as other relevant agencies within its member states to make this innovative technology a success story on the European continent.

This first edition entitled 'Perovskite-based photovoltaics: A unique chance for European PV-industry' is available for download from https://epki.eu. Hard copies will be distributed around EU-PVSEC (9th to 13th September,Marseille, France), communicated to policy makers and will be also be made available on demand.

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