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UV-C LEDs in space ...


AquiSense reveals projects ranging from space-bound greenhouses to disinfecting astronauts' drinking water

AquiSense Technologies, a firm specialising in UV LED disinfection technology, has announced its participation in ten aerospace projects.

In 2015 AquiSense was selected to participate in BIOWYSE, a Horizon 2020 project dedicated to designing and testing a water monitoring and treatment system for next-generation manned space stations. Since then, several other aerospace projects have looked for water treatment technology from AquiSense.

These projects include product design and hardware supply to both private space companies, such as Bigelow Aerospace, Thales Alenia Space Italia, KBR Wyle, and Aero Sekur, and various NASA groups, including those at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Johnson Space Center, and Marshall Space Flight Center.

These projects range from keeping growth systems clean in space-bound greenhouses, to decreasing the maintenance burden from nuisance biofilm formation in enclosed systems, to disinfecting the water that astronauts drink on the International Space Station.

“We feel the driving factor for all of these projects is our leading knowledge of system design and the application of UV-C LEDs in unique environments,” said Rich Simons, product development scientist at AquiSense Technologies Europe.

“These types of applications are exciting for us as they drive innovation for our technology and allow us to better understand the possibilities and limits of UV-C LED disinfection,” concluded Simons.

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