News Article

DuPont sells compound semi Business to SK Siltron


Korean wafer supplier to take over SiC wafer production to serve power electronics market

DuPont Electronics and Imaging (E&I) has signed an agreement to sell its Compound Semiconductor Solutions (CSS) business to SK Siltron, a silicon wafer supplier based in South Korea. The transaction is expected to close by the end of 2019, subject to customary regulatory approvals for closing.

"The DuPont CSS business has state-of-the-art technologies for SiC wafer production to serve the power electronics market, but it is not a strategic priority for the E&I business," said Jon Kemp, president, DuPont Electronics & Imaging. "Given its strategic focus, we believe SK Siltron will be a better owner and that the CSS business will thrive under SK Siltron's ownership."

According to SK Siltron, the SiC wafers will provide a solid foundation for a new generation of industrial motor controls and power supplies that use electricity more effectively while operating more efficiently. The company plans to combine its manufacturing capabilities with DuPont’s research and development (R&D) to optimise processes.

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