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Plessey announces 2.5micron pitch microLED display


2000x2000 pixel display is the latest example of the company's monolithic GaN-on-Silicon technology

Plessey, a UK-based microLED developer, has produced a record-breaking 2.5-micron pixel pitch, ultra-high resolution microLED display. The 2000x2000 pixel display is the latest example of the company's monolithic GaN-on-Silicon technology,

Clive Beech, senior director, business development, at Plessey, said: “Pixel pitch is key to the physical size of large field displays and to the resolution of the viewed image. These are key attributes in AR systems. The 2k2k display scale can be realised in a compact physical form factor and the 2.5micron pixel pitch achieves image features with smooth borders and fine detail."

Plessey’s GaN-on-Si technology brings many benefits. The low thermal resistance of the silicon substrates allows highly efficient heat extraction resulting in lower junction temperatures with high reliability. The technology also allows impressive energy efficiency, high resolution and unsurpassed contrast. With its similarity to large scale Silicon IC processing the technology can be scaled to progressively larger wafers, improving cost, uniformity and yield and taking advantage of the latest advances in Silicon wafer processing tools of the volume IC industry.

Other recent ground-breaking milestones from Plessey in its monolithic microLED emissive display programme include the success in March of developing a native Green using GaN-on-Si which naturally emits Blue light. Following in May, SID Display Week 2019 saw the world’s first monolithic GaN-on-silicon microLED emissive display with an 8-micron pitch bonded to a backplane for a full active matrix.

Plessey's roadmap includes the production of a full RGB display all on one wafer by 2020’s Consumer Electronics Show.

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