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Plessey launches a microLED Direct-Drive Display Platform


Targets specialised applications that require symbolic content

Plessey has introduced a microLED Direct-Drive display platform and development kit, based on its proprietary monolithic GaN-on-Silicon technology.

The company says its Direct-Drive displays provide OEM’s and product developers with a solution to retrofit current products or develop new concept designs, around a compact, flexible and highly efficient microLED display.

Direct-Drive targets specialised applications that require symbolic content, instead of individually addressed pixelised content. Due to the small form factor of the Direct-Drive display, it can be integrated into smart glasses, and head-mounted displays for navigation, sport & leisure, and optical instruments.

The symbolic content is fully customisable using monochrome or fully colourised segments with pixel capabilities down to 2-micron, allowing for ultra-fine, ultra-high-resolution detail. The display is self-emissive, and it can be driven directly from an external source, requiring no backplane which simplifies the manufacturing process and improves power consumption.

The Direct-Drive development kit is a starter package designed to be a fast, easy and scalable platform allowing developers to explore, evaluate and interact with small-form factor microLED displays.

Samir Mezouari, optical engineering manager at Plessey said: “With a total input power of 250 mW, Plessey’s native green segments can emit 2 million nits of brightness. For AR applications, the Direct-Drive displays can achieve a much higher brightness than OLED with a power consumption as low as 50 mW, allowing daytime viewing and a longer battery life.”

The Direct-Drive development kits will be available to order at CES 2020 and are targeted toward keen display technology enthusiasts and system engineers looking for a microLED display solution to enhance their products.

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