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IMS2020 goes virtual


IEEE microwave event will take place from August 4th - 6th with the theme of ‘Connectivity Matters’

The IEEE-International Microwave Symposium (IMS2020) will be virtual this year with a digital event taking place from August 4th - 6th 2020.

The virtual event will continue with the theme of ‘Connectivity Matters', built on five pillars that link the world: 5G & 6G networks, aerospace and defence programs, autonomous vehicles, the digital economy, and ensuring the connection of under-represented communities.

This year’s keynotes include:

Is the third wave coming in CMOS RF? Thomas Cho, executive VP, head of infra & design technology Centre at Samsung

The Flexible Future of RF Ali Hajimiri, Bren professor of electrical engineering and medical engineering at the California Institute of Technology

Can Digital Technologies Really Change the World? Doreen Bogdan-Martin, director of the telecommunication development bureau of the International Telecommunication Union

The Road Ahead for Quantum Computing by Hartmut Neven, engineering director, Google AI Quantum Team

While IMS2020’s program will be amended slightly to accommodate the virtual conference, the event will still feature technical sessions, technical lectures, panel sessions, 5G Summit, industry workshops, MicroApps, and a virtual exhibition.

Though the event is live, the content will be available for participants through September.

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