News Article

Midsummer delivers DUO machine to Russia


CIGS production machine will be installed in a factory in Saransk, about 630 km east of Moscow.

Swedish CIGS solar energy technology firm Midsummer has delivered a DUO machine to Russia. This is the first machine under a framework agreement between Midsummer and the Russian government-owned technology giant Rusnano Group.

The DUO system is one of the most widely spread manufacturing tools for flexible CIGS solar cells in the world, according to the company.

“The corona pandemic has made it impossible to travel to Sweden from the countries and regions where our machine customers are located. This has caused difficulties for us to make acceptance-tests and install our already sold DUO machines.

"Thanks to a new procedure, that makes it possible to make final approvals through video link instead of on location in Järfälla, we have now been able to perform the acceptance-test and ship the machine to Russia," said Sven Lindström, CEO, Midsummer”

The DUO machine will be installed in a factory in Saransk, about 630 km east of Moscow. The factory will be run by Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials Center of the Republic of Mordovia and their partner Solartek which promotes solutions for integrated solar roofs.

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