News Article

Symposium on Quantum Tech, Semiconductors, and Power


Oxford Instruments to hold virtual symposium on 8th to 10th June 2021

Oxford Instruments plc is pleased to announce its first Virtual Symposium on Quantum Technology, Semiconductors, and Power Generation, taking place on June 8th-10th, 2021 under the motto “Helping the experts of today take on the challenges of tomorrow”.

With over ten confirmed international speakers, this interactive digital event will bring stakeholders from industry and academia together and facilitate collaboration among peers. Talks include presentations by Hugo Defienne from the University of Glasgow School of Physics and Astronomy, Abou Ras from the Helmholtz Institute Berlin for Materials and Energy, and Matthew Hutchings from SeeQC.

During this free event, participants will have the opportunity to gain actionable insights from industry and research experts and liaise with application specialists in their areas of interest during presentations and poster sessions.
The virtual symposium experience will be rounded up by an online exhibition area showcasing solutions in the fields of atomic force microscopy, electron microscopy (EBSD, EDS, WDS), etch and deposition tools, low-temperature systems, dilution refrigerators, optical imaging, high-speed confocal microscopy, analysis software, and nuclear magnetic resonance.

For registered participants, all presentations will be available or a limited amount of time after the conference, along with market-specific resources such as white papers, application notes, technical handbooks, videos, and product selection guides.

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