News Article

Orchard Audio Launches 500W Stereo GaN Audio Amp


GaN Systems' transistors are at the heart of new high-end streaming hi-fi audio amplifier

The US company Orchard Audio has announced a 500W Stereo GaN-based Streaming hi-fi audio amplifier that can perform the same functions that once required a rack full of components.

Called the Starkrimson Streamer Ultra, this latest design combines the company’s highly reviewed and award-winning PecanPi DAC and Starkrimson Ultra amplifiers. These are based on transistors from GaN Systems and are said to fully explore the benefits of the latest GaN transistors, such as size and weight reduction and increased power, efficiency, and sound quality.

The Starkrimson Streamer Ultra is described as representing a new kind of high-end audio system that offers commanding performance in a discreet package.

The design is said to provide less harshness, cleaner highs, and better overall transparency and detail with inconsequential noise levels.

Features include: ability to be controlled with any smartphone, tablet, or PC; fully balanced output; extremely low noise and distortion; ultra-low jitter; native playback up to 24Bit/192K; and 2-ohm capable

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