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SiC project wins Innovate UK award


Advanced Furnace Technology's director of reseaerch Zoe Tolkien wins £50,000 in Innovate UK’s Women in Innovation Awards

Advanced Furnace Technology's director of reseaerch Zoe Tolkien has won £50,000 and a mentoring and support package after being named a winner at Innovate UK’s Women in Innovation Awards. The funding is for a project thatf focuses on developing a high throughput cleaning method to reduce costs associated with SiC semiconductor manufacture.

Advanced Furnace Technology is an engineering and materials science company based in Cambridge, UK. It provides specialist graphite services to the semiconductor industry, such as graphite cleaning, purification and coating.

Tolkien said: “We are very grateful and honoured to be announced as Women in Innovation 2022 winners. This award is continuing our reputation for innovation and enabling us to expand in high growth markets. It’s a very exciting time for us.”

“As a female entrepreneur, I think one of the biggest challenges can be self-belief. The innovation space is very male-dominated and women don’t often see themselves represented or feel inspired to get involved. I think it’s a challenge that needs to be addressed from a young age. Schools, parents and communities should encourage girls to innovate, be entrepreneurial and to lead. Too often I see online talks aimed at women in business addressing the ‘imposter syndrome’. It’s sad that we are brought up to feel we’re not good enough. I think change can only happen by changing the way we educate and talk to our girls from a young age.

“To any aspiring female entrepreneurs I would say it’s a really exciting area to work in. Personally I can’t think of anything better than turning your idea into a reality. I think if you have a novel idea, it’s definitely worth pursuing. My advice would be to carve your own innovation journey. Don’t be distracted by others, trust yourself and go with your gut.”

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