News Article

Seoul Semi to relocate Auto Division to Germany


Seoul sets its sights on supporting European customers

Seoul Semiconductor will move the HQ of its automobile division to Germany in the second half of 2022. It made the announcement at the ISAL (International Symposium on Automotive Lighting) held in Darmstadt, Germany from the 4th April 2022.

At the symposium, the company is presenting various applications for exterior and interior use of vehicles. These include: Violeds technology that sterilises the surface and airborne viruses inside a car; automotive headlights, daytime running lights (DRLs), and Micro Displays with WICOP technology that does not require wire connection or package; SunLike, a natural light technology that protects the eyes of passengers and fully shows the natural texture of the interior, maximising the luxuriousness of the car; and various sensing functions from EPI to IR/VCSEL, sensor technology.

Pictured above is Seoul Semiconductor's Violeds technology for vehicle sterilisation (left) and WICOP technology applied to a micro display.

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