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Nanosys Quantum dot Tech Wins Display award


xQDEF diffuser plate quantum dot technology wins 'Display Component of The Year' award at Display Week 2022

Nanosys, a supplier of quantum dot and microLED technologies, has received the 2022 Display Industry Awards 'Display Component of the Year' award for its xQDEF Diffuser Plate quantum dot technology from the Society for Information Display (SID).

QDEF is one of the fastest-growing technologies in the TV market with more than 60 million displays shipped since 2013 and two out of every three TVs in the premium Advanced TV segment last year.

The xQDEF Diffuser Plate simplifies the manufacturing process for TVs, eliminating unnecessary layers and significantly lowering the cost of ownership for quantum dot technology.The xQDEF Diffuser Plate is a new type of display component for LCDs that brings together diffuser plate technology with air-stable quantum dots.

Developed in partnership with diffuser plate manufacturer Nangtong Changed New Material Co., Ltd., known as CYD, the xQDEF Diffuser Plate has been enthusiastically embraced by the display industry with over 1 million units shipped from Tier 1 consumer electronics brands in 2021.

“We continue to see a broad range of innovations coming from the display industry,” said Wei Chen, chair of the DIA Committee. “The miniLED backlight technology helps to push the performance of LCDs to a new level for electronic tablets, notebook computers, as well as LCD TVs. Foldable display technology continues its rapid pace of improvement.

“Breakthroughs in display components, such as high-acuity reflective polarisers and air-stable quantum dots, are expected to jump start the growth of high-performance VR displays and expand the usage of quantum dots in TVs, respectively,” he added. “This year’s awards also recognise the enhanced experiences electronic displays bring to cars and the innovative use of LED displays to enable a virtual production environment for movies and television.”

Nanosys will receive the award in conjunction with SID’s annual Display Week, held in San Jose, California, May 8-13, 2022.

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