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CSconnected Webinar


How the world’s first compound semiconductor cluster is helping position Cardiff as a leader in translational research

As UK industry seeks Net Zero solutions, a compound semiconductor webinar from 9am to 10am on the 7th July 2022, will be bringing experts to discuss how CS technologies can shape society.

The panel will explain how the world’s first compound semiconductor cluster – CSconnected – is helping position Cardiff as the UK and European leader in translational research on compound semiconductor technologies.

Speakers will include academic Max Munday, industry expert Chris Meadows and regional policymaker Peter Davies from Monmouthshire Council.

As well as hearing insights from research and reflections from practitioners at the front-line, attendees can also contribute to the discussion through a Q&A under Chatham House rules to allow for honest, open debate.

This session, chaired by former First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones, will set out how researchers and industry are working together to meet consumer demand by progressing academic research to a point where it can be introduced reliably and quickly into the production environment.

To register for the event, click here

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