News Article

Two research MBE orders for Riber


European research labs CNRS-CRHEA and the FOTON Institute order Compact 21 systems

European research labs CNRS-CRHEA and the FOTON Institute order Compact 21 systems

French MBE firm Riber is announcing orders for two Compact 21 research systems in Europe.

The CNRS-CRHEA, a research laboratory recognised worldwide for its expertise in the epitaxy of semiconductor materials, has just ordered a Compact 21 system to strengthen its research capacities on emerging semiconductor materials.

Riber has also sold another Compact 21 system to the FOTON Institute, a center of academic excellence in photonics for information technology, which will help expand its research capabilities.

The acquisition of these two Riber’s equipment was carried out through the NANOFUTUR Project. Financed by the French government via the National Research Agency, this project aims at structuring the French nanotechnology community for the next ten years, by providing it with the state-of-the-art equipment that will allow it to evolve at the highest worldwide level.

These two ordered systems will be delivered in 2023.

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