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EPC to demo GaN applications at PCIM


Live demonstrations will include robotics, drones, solar optimisers, and AI servers

At PCIM Europe 2024, in Nuremberg from June 11-13, 2024., EPC will focus on its GaN-based power conversion solutions, with live demonstrations in robotics, drones, solar optimisers, and AI servers.

It will also run a series of technical presentations and appear on panels discussing the latest trends and advancements in GaN power conversion technology.

Presentations include: 'State-of-the-Art in GaN-on-Si Devices with Ratings Below 400 V Including Key Applications' by Alex Lidow; 'Parallel Connection of GaN FETs in Low-Voltage Inverter Topology for Motor Drive Applications' by Marco Palma; and 'PCB Only Thermal Management Techniques for eGaN FETs in a Half-bridge Configuration' by Adolfo Herrera.

EPC's CEO Alex Lidow will also speak in three panel discussions: 'GaN Wide Bandgap Design, the Future of Power', 'Ensuring Quality and Reliability in SiC & GaN Power Applications', and 'Will SiC Ultimately Hold its Own against GaN?'

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