Navitas drives next-gen power semis at PCIM 2024

Company to highlight latest GaN and SiC technologies for fast charging, power conversion and storage, motor drive, and more
Navitas Semiconductor will be inviting visitors to explore its latest GaN and SiC solutions for applications from 20 W to 20 MW at PCIM 2024 (Nuremberg, Germany, June 11th-13th).
Major technology updates and releases include GaNSafe, Gen-4 GaNSense Half-Bridge ICs, and Gen-3 Fast GeneSiC power FETs.
In addition to the exhibition, Navitas experts will be giving technical presentations, including the following two papers:
'Low-Cost High-Density 300 W / 20 V AC-DC Converter Enabled by GaN Power ICs' will be presented by Tom Ribarich, senior director of strategic marketing, Navitas Semiconductor
This paper describes how a low-cost 300 W high-density AC-to-DC converter has been designed and demonstrated to achieve >96 percent peak efficiency and 270 cc. The circuit topologies include a 2-phase interleaved PFC input stage, an LLC DC-DC stage, and a synchronous rectification output stage. The design includes GaN Power ICs and off-the-shelf controllers running at 300 kHz. This new design has resulted in a cased power density of 1.1 W/cc.
'Evaluation of SiC Devices for Over 500 kHz Application Based on Buck Circuit' will be presented by Minli Jia, senior staff applications engineer, Navitas Semiconductor
This second paper looks at three 1200 V SiC devices of similar specifications and different manufacturers for analysis and experimental research and designs a Buck converter with an output power of 3.6 kW and a switching frequency of 600 kHz. The efficiency and heat of three SiC types were tested under the same working conditions, and the results showed that the SiC with fast turn-off characteristics and low thermal resistance was more suitable for high-frequency converter applications.