News Article

Qorvo extends multi-chip modules for radar

New devices optimised for performance and size across X-, S- and L- radar bands

Qorvo has announced three new highly integrated RF multi-chip modules (MCMs) designed for advanced radar applications across X-, S- and L- bands.

Doug Bostrom, general manager of Qorvo's Defense and Aerospace business, said, “These new multi-chip modules combine several functions into one package, reducing board area, boosting performance and streamlining both design and assembly for our customers."

The QPF5001 12W X-band front-end module (FEM) combines a power amplifier, low noise amplifier (LNA), and limiter in one compact module, reducing the board area by approximately 50 percent compared to discrete component solutions

The QPM2101 S-band receive variable gain amplifier (VGA) MCM integrates an LNA, 6-bit digital step attenuator, Rx buffer and T/R switch, delivering a 40 percent reduction in board area.

Finally, the QPB1029 L-band filter bank MCM integrates two switches on both sides of eight filters and a bypass. Housed in a 10 x 10 mm package, it is the industry’s smallest L-band radar eight-channel switched filter bank, enabling radar designers to achieve size, weight, power and cost (SWaP-C) goals.

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