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Innoscience claims Infineon patent is invalid

Chinese GaN company petitions US Patent and Trademark Office for review of Infineon Patent No. 9,899,481

Chinese GaN-on-Silicon company Innoscience has petitioned the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for a review of the validity of US Patent No. 9,899,481 owned by Infineon Technologies. The petition, filed on June 14, 2024, wants the USPTO to rule that the ’481 patent is invalid.

The petition is a response to the recent patent lawsuits filed by Infineon against Innoscience. Innoscience denies Infineon’s infringement allegations, and believes that the asserted patents are invalid based on a number of grounds.

The ’481 patent is the only patent that is asserted by Infineon in a patent infringement suit filed in the Northern District of California on March 13, 2024. Infineon also recently filed lawsuits in the District Court in Munich, Germany, asserting the German counterpart to the ’481 patent, along with two other German patents.

The lawsuits concern a small number of Innoscience’s GaN transistors. Innoscience says that the ongoing spat doesn't stop it be able to make, use, sell, offer to sell, or import its products for customers.

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