Technical Insight

GaAs IC Symposium celebrates 25 years with strong program

Now in its 25th year, the GaAs IC Symposium once again promises to cover the latest advances in high-frequency and high-speed compound semiconductor circuits and technology.
As usual, this year s GaAs IC Symposium will cover all aspects of compound semiconductor technology, including papers from both commercial and newly emerging military applications. The conference focuses on describing the latest advances in high-frequency and high-speed circuits and technology using GaAs, InP, SiGe, GaN, SiC and other materials. To better reflect the scope of the conference, which covers all compound semiconductors rather than just GaAs, the organizers have decided to rename it starting next year (when it will be held in Monterey, CA). In future the event will be known as the Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium.

As well as 65 technical papers, 25 of which are invited presentations, there will be two courses and five panel sessions. Participants will also enjoy various social events including a Symposium Party at San Diego s famous SeaWorld.
Technical programThe conference will open with three overview talks on the industry, followed by invited presentations from Philips on quad-band power amplifiers, from Raytheon on RF MEMS switches, and from BAE Systems on metamorphic GaAs HEMTs. A session on MMICs for the handset market will include a paper on Nokia s direct conversion receiver IC for CDMA-2000, and a review of wireless communication MMIC development in Japan. A separate session on SiGe will include papers from IBM and Jazz Semiconductor on SiGe BiCMOS for power amplifier and wireless transceiver applications.

Despite the sluggish nature of the fiber-optic market, companies such as OpNext, Infineon and Big Bear Networks continue to pursue R&D in ICs for future 40 Gbit/s systems. These companies will present papers advocating InP, CMOS and SiGe, respectively. NTT, Fujitsu and NEC are among the companies presenting papers on the use of InP-based HEMTs and HBTs for even higher-frequency digital ICs.

The wireless and millimeter-wave domains will also be well covered, with talks on the development of gigabit wireless links in Japan, design challenges for 60 GHz radios, and a session on amplifiers for S to W band applications. Both optical transmitter and receiver components will be discussed, along with reliability, simulation and modeling, high-speed signal processing and frequency conversion ICs. The technical program concludes with a look at emerging technologies, including antimonide-based devices and nitride-based HEMTs.
2002 Outstanding Paper awardThe award for the Outstanding Paper of the 2002 GaAs IC Symposium will be presented to S Masuda and colleagues from Fujitsu for their paper, "An over-110 GHz InP HEMT flip-chip distributed baseband amplifier with inverted microstrip line structure for optical transmission systems."
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