News Article

Lumics chips are ready to pump fiber lasers

German laser chip manufacturer Lumics has released a fiber-coupled module that features a 6.5 W single-emitter.

Lumics, the Berlin, Germany, manufacturer of GaAs laser chips, has introduced a module that emits 6.5 W of optical power at 915 nm.

The uncooled module is based around a single-emitter source that is part of Lumics latest generation of chip designs made at its wafer fab in Germany. The new design operates with an electro-optical efficiency of over 60 per cent, and is delivered through a 105 µm or 125 µm diameter multimode fiber.

As well having a high output power, the chip is said to be very reliable, with an specified mean-time-to-failure lifetime of 40,000 hours.

Lumics is hoping that its modules can penetrate the emerging market for fiber lasers, and specifically the newer systems that use ytterbium-doped fiber and which require pumping at 915 nm.

IPG Photonics, the US company that currently holds by far the largest market share in the fiber laser sector, uses its own laser chips in its systems.

The Oxford, MA, company is currently hoping to raise funds to aid the expansion of its existing wafer facility through an initial public offering of shares.

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