News Article

Nichia upgrades ultra-violet LED portfolio

Nichia has introduced a 365 nm LED for curing and photo-catalyst applications that is claimed to be the most powerful of these chips available today.

Nichia has launched a 365 nm LED chip that is claimed to be the most power ultra-violet LED on the market.

The device, which has a typical output of 250 mW and an emission profile similar to the "i-line" of a mercury lamp, is targeting ultra-violet curing and photo-catalyst applications.

Output from the device, which has dimensions of 6.8 mm x 6.8 mm x 2.1 mm, is binned into three categories "“ 190 mW to 230 mW, 230 mW to 270 mW, or 270 mW to 310 mW.

The chip s operating temperature range is -10 Â°C to + 85 Â°C, and its maximum ratings for current and power dissipation are 700 mA and 3.3 W, respectively. Typical values for forward voltage are 4 V.

The latest device adds to Nichia's ultra-violet LED portfolio that includes a 100 mW chip that emits at 365 nm and was launched in 2004.

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