News Article

Defects targeted for InGaN laser improvement

Better control of crystal quality is "strictly necessary" to improve blue laser diode reliability, finds an extensive study by laser manufacturer Panasonic and a team at the University of Padova.

One of the most extensive analyses of blue diode laser degradation yet performed has found that improved control of crystal quality is the key to making the devices more reliable.

These InGaN-based chips have found widespread application in Blu-ray Disc players and Sony s PlayStation3 console, even though until now it has not been completely clear how operating conditions impact laser diode performance over time.

But researchers at the University of Padova in Italy studying a set of lasers manufactured by Matsushita Electric Industries, otherwise known as Panasonic, have now found that the degradation process in these lasers is activated electrothermally, and not by any optical or straightforward heating mechanisms.

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