News Article

Green GaN amplifier modules

RFMD releases first "green" GaN CATV amplifier module

RF Micro Devices has released the industry s first "green" gallium nitride (GaN) based CATV amplifier modules. The modules  are designed for use as power doubler amplifiers in current and next generation CATV infrastructure applications.  The D10040200PL1 and D10040230PL1 are hybrid power doubler amplifier modules designed to provide the final amplifier stage for CATV trunk amplifiers, line extenders, and optical nodes. The parts employ GaAs pHEMT and GaN HEMT die and operate from 45 MHz to 1000 MHz.


The performance of this new family of CATV amplifiers is on par with other industry-leading GaAs CATV Power Doublers, also supplied by RFMD, but with 20% lower current consumption (24V/380mA). With these "green" energy-saving benefits, these products enable designers to fulfill growing requirements for lower energy consumption and assist network operators in their drive to reduce the overall cost of operating CATV networks.


Bob Van Buskirk, president of RFMD s Multi-Market Products Group (MPG), said, "Network operators worldwide are increasingly focused on reducing the energy costs of operating their wireless and wireline networks. RFMD s high-performance GaN technology satisfies the industry s drive for "green technology" by enabling advanced RF components and products that provide industry-leading power and operate at significantly lower power consumption levels."


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