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Obducat takes part in EU project SMASH

OBDUCAT joins the EU’s SMASH programme in search of solid state LEDs
OBDUCAT has been invited to participate in the EU funded SMASH project. The project s purpose is to establish new materials and process technologies to be used in production of low-cost, power-efficient, white LED-light sources for the general lighting market. 

SMASH is an EU funded project within the Seventh Framework Programme, FP 7. The project is coordinated by OSRAM Opto Semiconductors GmbH and brings together complementary expertise from across Europe. 14 partners from large industry, SMEs, research institutions and universities with an established track record of productive collaborations will participate in the project.

"Our main focus within the SMASH project will be on stamp manufacturing and replication of nanostructures based on our proprietary IPS-STU nanoimprint lithography technology for high volume manufacturing", says Patrik Lundström, CEO, Obducat AB.

Key success factors for the broad penetration of LEDs into the general lighting market are: high power efficiency and low cost. The concept of SMASH is to establish disruptive approaches that exploit nanostructured compound semiconductors to realize the key market factors of high efficiency and low cost. These will be achieved by epitaxial growth of LED structures on ultra-low defect nanostructured templates and by the development of LEDs based on nanorod emitters. These approaches will have large impact on manufacturing costs because they enable growth on large area, low cost substrates such as Silicon.

"Realizing these technologies will lead to a new generation of highly efficient and affordable LEDs, which enables the entrance to the general lighting market. That will keep Europe at the forefront of the energy-saving solid state lighting business and strengthen its position in the manufacturing supply chain and luminaire business", says Patrik Lundström.

The SMASH project extends over three years with a budget totalling Euro 11.5 million.
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