News Article

Qinghai's (China)external trade shows strong growth in Jan

The total trade value of Qinghai amounted to US$53.16 million, up 55.8% year on year in January, according to statistics recently released by the Department of Commerce of Qinghai Province.

Qinghai's total export value was US$25.71 million, up 22.6% year on year, and its total import value was US$27.45 million, up 108% year on year.

Among the major export goods, the largest rates of growth were those of silicon and silicon carbide. Exports of silicon increased by 174%, and exports of silicon carbide increased by 102.6%. Exports of mechanical and electrical products, apparel, clothing, accessories and ferrosilicon also increased by a large margin.

Alumina imports increased 330%, and mechanical and electrical product imports rose by 16.9%

Source:  www.chinaknowledge.com

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