News Article

Oxford Instruments Launches 2010 Seminars

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology will hold co-host several seminars & workshops this year in conjunction with key research institutes & universities - these will be on a variety of topics. Speakers will come from the host universities and from a number of other institutes and industry, in addition to process and applications experts from Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology, providing their in-depth knowledge of the chosen topic.

15-16th July 2010

New Frontiers in Plasma Nanopatterning    Hosted by The Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, CA, USA                                           


27-28th September 2010

Dry processing for Nanoelectronics and Micromechanics: growth, deposition and etching    Hosted by University of Freiburg/IMTEK, Germany


The company is planning to hold a Seminar/Workshop in the UK, date to be confirmed.

Programmes are available , so to find out more about each seminar and/or to register for a place email: plasma@oxinst.com


Oxford Instruments' etch, deposition and growth systems provide process solutions for the micro- and nanometre engineering of materials for semiconductor, optoelectronics, MEMS & microfluidics, high quality optical coating and many other applications in micro- and nanotechnology.


To find out more about Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology's process and product offering see www.oxford-instruments.com

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