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Solar firm Precision Flow Technologies to increase jobs to 385

The company have been subcontracted to produce SiC semi-conductor grade material to be used in U.S. military applications

Precision Flow Technologies, who design and manufacture ultra high purity process gas delivery systems, gas purge and mixing systems used in the semiconductor industry,will be subcontracted to produce SiC semiconductor-grade material. Along with three other subcontractors, they have received funding totaling $2.8 millionfrom Saratoga County-based C9 Corporation.

The funding will be partly used for the company to build a 40,000-square-foot manufacturing facility at TechCity, which is in the process of being transformed into Hudson Valley’s first eco-friendly commercial and light industrial complex.

Hinchey, D-Hurley, U.S. representative said employment by the Saugerties-based company is now expected to expand by 190 from 185 to about 375. Furthermore, an additional 31 jobs are expected for construction of facilities for the company at TechCity.

Company president, Kevin Brady said in December that Precision Flow could grow double to $200 million if the product development is successful.

“If you look beyond the military application, the commercial opportunities could literally double the size of the company if you hit the timing correctly,” he said.

The military applications being addressed include increasing battery life for powering hand-held and back-pack devices for troops, recharging unmanned reconnaissance platforms, and development of hybrid vehicles.

One of the benefits of solar panels used in these type of applications is that the battery is constantly in a state of ‘float charging’, which is most commonly used for backup and emergency power applications where the discharge of the battery is infrequent.

In the float charging state, the charger, battery and load are connected in parallel. The charger operates off the normal power supply which provides current to the load during operation. In the event of normal power supply failure, the battery provides backup power until the normal power supply is restored.

Precision Flow Technologies is one of 15 companies in The Solar Energy Consortium, which Hinchey helped spearhead.
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