News Article

VPEC volumizes with Aixtron

Taiwan firm will add eight 2600G3 IC MOCVD reactors to cope with demands.

The order was placed in the fourth quarter 2009 and was the single largest purchase of its kind for the company this year. The systems will be commissioned at the company’s facility in Ping-Jen City, Taoyuan, Taiwan during the second and third quarters of 2010.

“We have been using several AIX 2600 mass production MOCVD reactor systems for some years now. These have contributed greatly to our strong market share for optoelectronic and microwave epiwafers in Taiwan and worldwide, “Neil Chen, VP of VPEC commented. “ In fact this business has been so successful that we must bring on stream a major new additional capacity. Working with AIXTRON has always been straightforward and our technical staffs are assured of a seamless operation of the high efficiency precision systems in a year’s time.”

Since its set-up in 1996, VPEC (Visual Photonics Epitaxy Co) has used Aixtron MOCVD systems to produce high-volumes of HBT, PHEMT, BIHEMT and PIN (including Zn diffusion) customized epi-wafers.
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