News Article

Russian Academy Rates Riber Reactor

SIVA21 reactor will be installed at the Lebedev Physical Institute and be used for research into SiGe based heterostructures.

Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) system manufacturer, Riber has sold a SIVA21 research system to the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS) in Moscow, Russia.

The machine will be installed at the Laboratory of Molecular Beam Epitaxy headed by Igor P. Kazakov, and will join its Riber Compact21 reactor. The new addition is intended to extend the development capabilities of III-V semiconductor device design.

The SIVA21 is part of the Compact21 series, which according to Riber, is the most prevalent MBE research system in the world.  It is claimed to provide unequalled flexibility to meet the most demanding specifications of applied research on compound semiconductor materials.

The system acquired by the LPI RAS is dedicated to nano-technology field, and the epitaxial growth of experimental Silicon - Germanium (SiGe) based heterostructures incorporating quantum wells.

The order follows the ‘Rusnanoprize’ awarded to Riber by the Russian Nanotechnology Society in 2009, and reinforces Riber’s popularity in Russia.
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