News Article

Veeco to be Primary MOCVD Provider to Tsinghua Tongfang LED Factory

The Chinese firm placed a large multi-tool order for the TurboDisc K465i in August and the reactors will be housed in a new LED production facility in NanTong.

 Beijing-based Tsinghua Tongfang Company has selected Veeco Instruments as its primary supplier of Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) systems.

The tools will be used in the firm’s new light-emitting diode (LED) factory. Veeco booked the initial systems from a large multi-tool purchase order earlier this month.

Wang Lianghai, VP of Tsinghua Tonfang commented, “After thorough evaluation of available MOCVD systems at our Beijing LED R&D site, we selected Veeco as our primary supplier for our new production facility in NanTong which is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year. The TurboDisc K465i MOCVD systems were the clear winner in terms of cost of ownership and productivity. We have an aggressive plan to ramp production of LEDs primarily to address backlighting demand for TVs, and Veeco’s technology, tool performance and customer support best matched our needs.”

Bill Miller, Executive VP and General Manager of Veeco's MOCVD Operations, commented, “Tsinghua Tongfang has put together an exciting new enterprise, moving from the lighting engineering business directly into the manufacture of LEDs. They have solid financial backing and an experienced technology team, and we are pleased to support their production ramp.”

Tsinghua Tongfang is part of Tsinghua Holdings and is a state-owned enterprise headquartered in Beijing, China. The Company was established in 1997 and listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange that same year, and is engaged in information technology, energy and environment industries.

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