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Mobile phone consumers prioritise battery life and ease of use

Strategy Analytics latest report “Battery Life and Ease of Use Most Important Factors for New Phone Buyers,” assesses the importance of 18 high-level factors that cellphone consumers consider when purchasing.

Consumers in the US and Western Europe rate ease of use, long battery life and a ‘trusted manufacturer’ as their top three purchase priorities when it comes to buying a new mobile phone. 

The Strategy Analytics Wireless Device Lab report, “Battery Life and Ease of Use Most Important Factors for New Phone Buyers,” assesses the importance of 18 high-level factors that cellphone consumers consider when purchasing.

“A phone that is lightweight and fits well in the owner’s pocket or purse are also serious considerations for consumers in Western Europe,” commented Paul Brown, a Director in the Strategy Analytics User Experience Practice.  “US consumers place greater emphasis on choosing a phone from an operator that will provide them with strong coverage where they live.”

Kevin Nolan, Vice-President at Strategy Analytics, added, “Before purchasing, Smartphone owners are more likely to be looking for the latest in new features, as a preferred operating system and the ability to download applications. Basic phone owners simply want their next phone to be easy to use.”

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