News Article

SEMI standards approves new standard ‘SiC Defect Catalogue’

At the meeting, held on 21st March, the main advantages of standards for the industry were summarised.

A meeting of the SEMI standards European Compound Semiconductor Technical Committee was held in Frankfurt, Germany, on 21st March, the day before the CSEurope Conference. 

Before the main committee meeting commenced, a short standards information session was held for the benefit of new participants.

The main advantages of standards for the industry were summarised. Chief among these are the opportunity to produce simpler and cheaper products by avoiding unnecessary options, and the ability to freely exchange material processes and suppliers where standardised verification procedures are in use.

The lessons learned from the history of GaAs, where two different flat options still are in use today because standards were not introduced in time to prevent this, were emphasised.

Standardisation is an open, transparent and global process, which is driven by volunteers worldwide for the benefit of the semiconductor industry.

At the main committee meeting a ballot review on the new proposed standard ‘SiC Defect Catalogue’ was performed and the document was approved for publication as a new standard.

In addition to this a ballot review on the 5-year review of SEMI M54-0404 ‘Guide for Semi-insulating (SI) GaAs Material Parameters’ was carried out and the standard was re-approved without change. The status of the other active task forces in this committee, which are addressing Carbon in GaAs and Determination of Etch Pit density in GaAs & InP, was reported.

The next meeting will be held in Würzburg, Germany in April. Further details are available at www.semi.org/standards or from the co-chair Arnd.Weber@Sicrystal.de.
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