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EPC eGaN FETs win ACE award for “Energy Efficiency Technology”

The firm has been recognised for its enhancement-mode FETs and has been awarded the prestigious EE Times award for demonstrating leadership and innovation.

Efficient Power Conversion Corporation’s (EPC) family of enhancement-mode GaN on silicon (eGaN) power FETs has won the Energy Technology Award issued as part of the prestigious EE Times Annual Creativity in Electronics (ACE) Awards. These awards celebrate the creators of technology who demonstrate leadership and innovation in the global industry and shape the world we which we live.

“We are very proud to have won the ACE Award. This award substantiates that EPC’s enhancement-mode GaN power transistors represent a major breakthrough in power conversion technology. We believe that performance from silicon-based MOSFETs has reached the end of the road and that eGaN technology will lead the way for continued increases in performance in power management.” said Alex Lidow, EPC’s co-founder and Chief Executive Officer.

In its seventh year, the EE Times ACE Awards is a leading electronics industry recognition award selected by a panel of distinguished industry technology leaders. The awards were announced on May 3rd at an event honouring the people and companies behind the technologies that are changing the way we work, live and play.

The Energy Technology Award is a new category this year recognising those companies that have made the most significant contribution through the introduction of new concepts and products that help conserve energy or create new energy sources. EPC eGaN FETs have lower losses and higher switching frequency capabilities than power MOSFETs or IGBTs. These advantages can be applied in power conversion circuits to significantly reduce the consumption of electricity and enable greater penetration of alternative energy generation.

Spanning a range of 40 Volts to 200 Volts, and 4 milliohms to 100 milliohms, eGaN FETs demonstrate significant performance advantages over state-of-the-art silicon-based power MOSFETs. EPC’s technology produces devices that are smaller than similar resistance silicon devices and have many times superior switching performance.

Applications that benefit from this eGaN performance are DC-DC power supplies, point-of-load converters, class D audio amplifiers, notebook and netbook computers, solar microinverters, Power over Ethernet (PoE), LED drive circuits, telecom base stations, and cell phones, to name just a few.

Products based on eGaN technology are available today and are priced between $1.12 and $5.00 in 1k quantities.
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