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ARC Energy hits the jackpot with contracts for $96.9 million

The firm, which is also tripling its manufacturing capacity, says the two new contracts for LED sapphire manufacturing equipment and technology highlight the advantages of its unique c-axis sapphire platform.

Advanced RenewableEnergy Company, LLC (ARC Energy), has signed $96.9 million in additional new contracts with two leading Asian manufacturers.

Under the terms of the agreements, ARC Energy will provide each customer with LED sapphire manufacturing equipment and technology, including highly automated, leading edge, c-axis Controlled Heat Extraction System (CHES) Furnaces, and additional turnkey solutions and services.


ARC Energy is also expanding its manufacturing facility by 30,000 square feet. The expansion, which is scheduled for completion in the 4th quarter of 2011, will triple ARC Energy’s manufacturing capacity, enabling the company to become one of the largest LED sapphire furnace suppliers in the world.

“Many manufacturers are now installing and operating ARC Energy’s technology for mass production of large diameter sapphire,” said Hap Hewes, ARC Energy’s senior vice president. “These new contracts and our planned capacity expansion highlight the advantages of our unique c-axis sapphire platform and ARC Energy’s associated turnkey solutions. We are pleased by our progress and our continued success in the marketplace.”

ARC Energy says its proprietary c-axis technology is superior to other sapphire growth technologies and that c-axis wafers are the optimum orientation for LED applications. The company says that when compared with conventional a-axis technologies, c-axis growth leads to higher material utilisation and lower overall costs.
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