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Isofoton completes its first III-V HCPV plant in China

Chinese energy producer GD Solar has chosen Isofoton's compound semiconductor solar cells for its Golmud plant. Over 200,000 residents in the area will benefit from the energy produced by the facility

 Spanish firm, Isofoton has completed the installation of an electricity generation plant in China that is based on high concentration photovoltaic (HCPV) technology.

The 100kWp facility is located in the outskirts of the town of Golmud, in the Qinghai province in the northeast part of the country. The facility construction site sits at an elevation of 2,900 metres and is located in a geographical area that features one of the best solar resources on the planet, with over 7KWh/m2 and day of direct solar radiation in an area with very little annual precipitation.


 Golmud HCPV plant

This plant will be the first of its kind developed by a company of non-Chinese origin. During implementation, Isofoton has worked with a local provider. China’s energy company GD Solar chose the Malaga based company for its experience and quality in HCPV technology, a field where Isofoton has been conducting steady research for over 10 years and one which continues to make the company a global pioneer.

High concentration is a new yet already successfully proven technology by Isofoton that is capable of generating up to 50% more energy than conventional photovoltaic systems. To achieve this, HCPV systems must be installed under specific site conditions such as those existing in Golmud. Some nations like China, United States and Italy are betting strongly on this new promising technology which is capable of generating more energy at less cost, as well as creating jobs and wealth in areas of the globe where it is not possible to do so by other means.

The plant will be capable of producing over 220MWh/year that will be managed by GD Solar to satisfy part of the needs of the 200,000 residents of this area.

With this facility, Isofoton has achieved its ambitious objective of commercialising its HCPV technology in the Chinese market, one of the most demanding and complex, which also presents ideal locations for this type of technology.
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