Technical Insight

Defining the next steps for the Compound Semiconductor Industry

This year's conference is building on the success of 2011 and has developed to a two day conference with the main theme of 'defining the next steps for the compound semiconductor industry' and includes a keynote speech from Robert Chau, Intel Senior Fellow and director of transistor research and nanotechnology in Intel¹s Technology and Manufacturing Group.

The two day conference on the 12th and 13th March 2012 in Frankfurt, Germany will consist of:

CS Europe 2012: Markets and III-V CMOS

(Morning of 12th March)

A mix of insightful market research presentations and cutting-edge research destined to shape tomorrow's compound semiconductor industry.

CS Europe 2012: LEDs, lasers, PV and electronics 

(Afternoon of 12th March & full day of 13th March) 

Will concentrate on presentations involving industry mainly from the chipmaker sector.

Networking Dinner

(Evening of the 12th March)

A Conference Dinner will be held on the evening of the 12th March. This will consist of a buffet style dinner to encourage networking.

The CS Industry Awards will be presented during the buffet. All delegates, award winners and their customers will be invited to the dinner.

To view the full agenda please click here: http://cseurope.net/agenda

There are only a few places remaining for this exciting event so please register now at: http://cseurope.net/registration

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