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Veeco K465i is the bees knees according to SemiLEDs

The company has recently qualified the TurboDisc K465i GaN MOCVD System for high-volume production of high brightness LEDs at its state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Taiwan

“We have placed Veeco’s K465i system into our production facility in Taiwan. In addition to their proven MOCVD technology, Veeco’s commitment to providing best-in-class LED manufacturing equipment, as well as enhanced local support with their technology centre in Hsinchu, makes the selection of Veeco as our vendor a logical choice,” said Chuong A. Tran, President and Chief Operating Officer, of SemiLEDs.

William J. Miller, Veeco’s Executive Vice President, Process Equipment, added, “We are very pleased SemiLEDs chose Veeco to be a new supplier of MOCVD equipment. Our TurboDisc K465i platform consistently offers excellent productivity while keeping production costs low. Our Taiwan Technology Centre will help the SemiLEDs Taiwan team learn best practices to maximize the value of their new system and grow as a leader in the energy-efficient lighting market.”

SemiLEDs develops and manufactures LED chips and LED components primarily for general lighting applications, including street lights and commercial, industrial and residential lighting. The firm sells blue, green and ultraviolet LED chips under the MvpLED brand.
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