News Article

Air Water to develop GaN-on-SiC-on- silicon with Aixtron reactor

The company is building on large diameter SiC on silicon technology for LEDs and power devices
Air Water of Azumino in Japan has reported the successful installation of a fully automated Aixtron AIX G5 HT planetary reactor in an 8 x 6 inch configuration for the growth of GaN epitaxial layers.

Aixtron AIX G5 HT planetary reactor

Aixtron says Air Water selected this MOCVD system to deliver superior material uniformity, a key factor in demonstrating the advantage of Air Water substrates for GaN epitaxy. 

Following the installation, the company has announced the release of GaN-on-SiC on silicon substrates for this year.

In order to address future market demand, Air Water is also considering upgrading the system to an Aixtron AIX G5+, which can handle up to 5 x 200 mm (8 inch) silicon substrates.

As compared to traditional silicon substrates, the additional SiC layer displays the advantage of protecting the silicon substrate in the initial GaN nucleation process. Due to its crystal structure SiC is considered as an ideal template for the GaN growth.

So, the SiC-on-silicon substrate is enabling the growth of superior crystal quality GaN layers onto large areas. This characteristic brings efficiency and cost savings to a wide range of high-power and LED applications.

Air Water is a Japanese industrial gas manufacturer and has developed SiC growth on silicon for both power device and LED applications as part of the semiconductor gas business.

The company has already succeeded in the production of high quality 3C-SiC (111) on up to 8 inch silicon substrates and has also announced the release of these products for GaN epitaxial growth required to manufacture electronic devices for LED and power electronic applications.


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