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Nichia ups the ante in patent war with Everlight

The Japanese firm has added another three patents and two more defendants in its patent infringement lawsuit against Everlight in the United States

On November 22nd, 2013, Nichia Corporation filed an amended complaint in its on-going patent infringement lawsuit against Taiwanese LED manufacturer Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. and Everlight’s U.S. subsidiary Everlight Americas, Inc. (collectively Everlight).

This patent was originally filed on September 11th, 2013, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas.

In addition to its original claim regarding Everlight’s infringement of Nichia’s U.S. Patent No. 7,432,589, Nichia’s amended complaint includes claims regarding Everlight’s infringement of three other U.S. Patents: No. 7,462,870, No. 7,521,863, and No. 8,530,250.

The latest patents relate to LED resin and molded packaging and an LED device which can for example be used for mobile phone backlighting,

Nichia also named two new defendants in its infringement claim under U.S. Patent No. 8,530,250: Zenaro Lighting, Inc., which is a U.S. subsidiary of Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd., and Zitroz LLC, which is a U.S. distributor of Zenaro’s products.

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