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Nitronex GaN-on-silicon PA targets military applications

The gallium nitride-on-silicon power amplifier covers numerous applications up to 1GHz
Nitronex has released the NPA1006, a new broadband GaN amplifier.

The NPA1006 is a 28V, 20MHz to 1GHz, 15W amplifier with 14dB gain and 60 percent drain efficiency. It is housed in an industry -standard 6mm by 5mm DFN plastic package.

The NPA1006 is the latest addition to Nitronex’s integrated amplifier family that offer s low cost, high  performance GaN devices in industry standard surface mount, plastic packages.

The thermal resistance of the NPA1006 is 4.6°C/W, representing best in class for this power level. The amplifier input is internally matched to 50Ω for easy integration and the output needs only a simple two element external match for full band coverage.

The NPA1006 utilises Nitronex’s 28V NRF1 GaN HEMT process, which has been in production since 2006.

“We are pleased with the broadband performance of the NPA1006, which covers numerous applications up to 1GHz. The NPA1006 offers more output power and better thermal performance than competing parts in the market at a significantly lower cost. In the coming months, Nitronex will further expand our product offering by releasing additional integrated amplifiers covering different bandwidths and power levels using our proven GaN on silicon technology,” says Greg Baker, president and CEO at Nitronex.

Nitronex claims its patented SIGANTIC GaN- on - silicon process is the only production - qualified GaN process using an industry standard 4-inch silicon substrate.

This allows or a robust, scalable supply chain and makes Nitronex well positioned for expected growth in emerging GaN markets such as military communications, broadband, RADAR, commercial wireless, satellite communications and point-to-point microwave.

NPA1006 amplifier samples and evaluation boards are available now.

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