News Article

IHS: LED lamp retail price falls 11.8 percent

In the last year the lumens per dollar ratio of LED lamps has increased by 31 percent to 29.9 lumens per dollar
The December 2013 release of IHS’ LED lamp retail price tracker has found the global average LED lamp retail price was $24.5, indicating a fall of 0.4 percent in December over November 2013 and 11.8 percent fall over the same time last year.

IHS says that over the past twelve months the lumens per dollar ratio of LED lamps has increased by 31 percent to 29.9 lumens per dollar.

IHS has been tracking the LED lamp retail pricing trends for over two years. Each month IHS analysts sample over 2,500 individual LED lamps sold in retailers across 15 countries globally.

The graph below shows the trend in 2013.

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