News Article

Epistar unveils photoelectric efficient 850nm LED

The infrared III-arsenide based chip is claimed to have set new records in the LED industry
Lots of forward-looking technologies have been well developed and now applied to LED chip production.

These include novel transparent conductive thin films, compound mirror structures, and new EPI structure designs for reducing the absorption of light.

These innovation technologies will raise the light extraction efficiency and LED performance.

Recently, Epistar Lab made an amazing improvement on the infrared products and believes it has set new records in the LED industry.

According to the latest data depicted in the graph below, the infrared product SFPN42 (chip size 1 x 1mm² ) achieved wall plug efficiency of 75 percent with an operating current of 40mA and of greater than 70 percent at 350mA; the power even exceeds 1W and has reached 1027mW with the operating current of 1A.

Such an impressed efficiency development has made LED chips more energy saving and eco friendly.

Now the infrared products are mostly adopted in the security monitor, smart touch panel and wireless communication systems. In the future, Epistar wants to use these products in other high potential markets to keep the competitive strength of its customers.


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