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Quantum Semi and Silvaco to advance modelling of Si-Ge-C superlattices

Si-Ge-C superlattice films enable efficient light absorption and emission across an extended wavelength range, from UV to MWIR
Quantum Semiconductor and Silvaco are to a collaborate to develop advanced TCAD models for silicon-based superlattices.

The TCAD tools and engineering support provided by Silvaco enabled Quantum Semiconductor to receive follow-on SBIR Phase 1B award funding from the National Science Foundation.

The Quantum Semi technology platform addresses some of the most challenging problems facing CMOS today.

Si-Ge-C superlattice films, which have improved optoelectronic properties, enable highly efficient light absorption and emission across an extended wavelength range, from UV to MWIR.

Through their collaboration, Quantum Semiconductor and Silvaco will incorporate new electronic band structure models of the silicon-based superlattices into Silvaco's TCAD tools which will be used to perform advanced device simulations.

"Our vision is to bring new functionality to CMOS by incorporating Si-Ge-C superlattices which allow the efficient absorption and emission of light from UV to Visible to Infrared, enabling new products for image sensing, optical communications, silicon photonics, wide-spectrum photovoltaic cells and even advanced Tunnel MOSFETS," says Carlos Augusto, CTO of Quantum Semiconductor. "

Quantum Semiconductor is very pleased to collaborate with Silvaco. To enable the adoption of these new superlattices into CMOS design and manufacturing, new models must be developed to describe their properties. With Silvaco, we can accelerate the investigation and verification of modeling and optimisation for Si-Ge-C superlattices combined with CMOS."

Silvaco's TCAD tools provide solutions for researchers working on advanced and innovative technologies and will continue to improve their solutions by collaborating with Quantum Semiconductor LLC.

"We are excited to collaborate with Quantum Semiconductor and develop new physical models allowing the use of Si-Ge-C superlattice films in our TCAD flow," adds Eric Guichard, VP of the TCAD Division at Silvaco. "We expect that this partnership will enable Silvaco to provide additional unique solutions to our customers working on the next generation of optoelectronic devices which incorporate these novel superlattice material


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