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POET Technologies applies for quantum computing patents

The innovator of III-V devices has also taken on ex Fairchild executive Daniel DeSimone as VP of Product Development at the POET laboratories
POET Technologies, the developer of the planar opto-electronic technology (POET) platform for monolithic fabrication of integrated circuit devices containing both electronic and optical elements on a single semiconductor wafer, has added to its key staff.

The firm has taken on Daniel DeSimone at the POET laboratories as Vice President, Product Development.

POET Technologies is also set to rapidly expand its intellectual property (IP) assets.

The company has filed new IP portfolio protection documents with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office (USPTO) and in other key jurisdictions to support strategic applications in POET-based quantum computing.

DeSimone was most recently Senior Manager, Test and Wafer Sort Engineering, at Fairchild Semiconductor. Under his leadership, the Fairchild team achieved significant increases in quality and yield during wafer production in several 0.5 and 0.35 micron CMOS/BiCMOS/BiPolar technologies.

In addition to manufacturing experience,  DeSimone brings to the company two distinct experiences. The first is a strategic product roadmap definition - addressing server and storage vertical markets. The second is broad integrated circuit development encompassing analogue mixed signal through large digital application specific integrated circuits.

Peter Copetti, Executive Chairman and interim CEO, notes, “Over the last few months, the company has moved dramatically from proof-of-principle through lab device demonstration, full third-party validation with a commercial foundry and working with select potential partners on technical design kits."

He adds, "We are entering a new parallel stage - increasing quality and design robustness for manufacturability as part of commercialisation of our game changing IP - and Mr. DeSimone’s combined experience is exactly what we need to assist the team in moving to the next level.”

POET-Based Quantum Computing IP

The company is also announcing a key expansion of its IP asset base. The firm already has a large inventory of key and ancillary patents protecting its unique platform for monolithic fabrication of integrated circuit devices containing both electronic and optical elements on a single semiconductor wafer. Details of the existing portfolio are available through USPTO.

In addition to this portfolio, the company recently filed for protection a number of new IP classes with USPTO, as well as in Canada, Japan, Korea, and other key jurisdictions.

“The commercialisation process of the Company’s POET platform has historically yielded intellectual assets with future commercial development potential meriting IP protection,” says Copetti. “While the company has focused assets and effort on near-term commercialization goals, our labs are generating future IP as well.”

The new portfolio includes:

    Closed Loop Rectangular Resonators in POET & Thyristor Memory

    (OPE-069; 14/238,649; PCT/US12/51265; EPO 12824167.6)

    Fiber Optic Coupling Array

    (OPE-070; 14/104,230; PCT/US13/74658)

    Quantum Dot Lasers in POET for 1310-1550 nm Operation

    (OPE-072; 13/921,311)

    Universal Memory Cell in POET for DRAM, SRAM and NVRAM Applications

    (OPE-073; 13/951,578)

    IR Imaging Structures in POET based on Quantum Dot Epitaxy

    (OPE-074; 14/023,525)

    Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators in the Planar OptoElectronic Technology; and Implementation of 1550 nm Optoelectronics in the Planar OptoElectronic Technology

Copetti adds, “In this latest round of patent applications, the company has filed patent protection for IP that, in the medium-to-long-term, supports theoretical quantum computing applications, such as the fabrication of quantum dot-based spin qubits and the devices needed to read and write them on the same die. With POET integrated optoelectronics, we are already ahead of the curve, and we want to stay that way.”

A qubit - also known as a quantum bit – is a unit of information in quantum computing. It is the quantum analogue of a bit in a classical computing system, which would have to be in one of two states. Quantum mechanics allows a qubit to be in a superposition of both states at the same time, a property which is fundamental to quantum computing. The new patent applications are for medium-to-long-term strategic positioning, and they are complementary to the core POET intellectual assets.

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