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Infonetics Research: Infinera top of optical transport vendors

Service providers said Infinera did well in technology innovation, ease of operation, high reliability and leading services and support
Infonetics Research, an international market research and consulting firm serving the communications industry since 1990, has ranked Infinera as the top optical vendor in its latest scorecard.

 In the report, Infonetics said, “Infinera is #1 this year as a result of very high ratings among customers for technology innovation, reliability, and service and support.”

Infonetics’ 2014 Optical Network Hardware Vendor Scorecard profiles, analyses and ranks the ten largest global vendors of optical transport equipment. Vendors were evaluated based on seven metrics including market share, market share momentum, financial stability, packet-optical intensity, technology innovation, product reliability, and service and support. In the report, Infinera emerges as the number one ranking optical transport equipment provider worldwide.

"The market for optical transport equipment is $12 billion annually, nearly as large as and growing faster than the market for service provider routers and switches. Infinera emerged as the highest scoring company in our optical vendor leadership scorecard,” stated Andrew Schmitt, Principal Analyst, Optical, Infonetics Research. “When we ask service providers what Infinera does well they mention technology innovation, ease of operation, high reliability and leading services and support.”

"The Infonetics optical vendor scorecard shows that Infinera’s focus on building Intelligent Transport Networks is resonating with global network operators," added Tom Fallon, Infinera CEO. "In 2013, we grew our market share by enabling service providers to use time as a competitive weapon to deliver services faster while simultaneously scaling their multi-terabit networks and lowering costs. We believe we are at the beginning of a once-in-a-decade transition to 100G and beyond and we are honoured to see our focus on technology innovation and helping our customers win in their markets reflected in the outstanding results for Infinera in the Infonetics scorecard.”

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