News Article

SemiTEq sells second R&D MBE tool to University of Toronto

SemiTEq JSC, a Russian manufacturer of MBE systems, has sold a STE75 research MBE system to the Centre for Advanced Nanotechnology University of Toronto, Canada.

STE75 MBE system

SemiTEq is actively expanding into foreign markets and, in particular, it’s the second contract for MBE System supply to the Centre for Nanotechnology at the University of Toronto.

The new STE75 is intended as a compact, versatile and power tool for wide range of R&D in the field of modern semiconductor applications based on III-V, II-VI and III-nitrides. The system is claimed to be one of the most compact in the world in the R&D machines class. The compact “footprint” flexible design and all necessary tools for in-situ monitoring of growth process data in basic configuration make the STE75 system suitable for research centres and universities.

STE75 MBE system in use

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