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Global Communication Semiconductors have announced 2 new foundry processes

Global Communication Semiconductors have Announced Two New Foundry Processes Including a New InGaP HBT Process for the 802.11ac and 4G LTE PA Applications and an E-mode pHEMT Low Noise Process to Address the High-Performance Receiver Requirements

Global Communication Semiconductors, a pure-play III-V compound semiconductor wafer foundry, announced today that its proprietary P3 InGaP HBT will now be offered to address the 802.11ac requirements in which high gain, high linearity, and high efficiency are the key requirements at 5 GHz operation; In addition, GCS announced the offering of the 0.25um Enhancement mode (E-mode) Low noise pHEMT process for high performance receiver applications, with useful frequencies of up to 26 GHz.

"Most available HBT processes have a Maximum Stable Gain (MSG) of 23 dB while our P3 InGaP HBT process can achieve a MSG of 26 dB, at 5 GHz, which meets the 802.11ac and the key LTE 4G PA requirements for high gain, high efficiency, high linearity and robustness. A BVceo of 18V allows the amplifiers to operate beyond a typical 5V dc bias for most HBT amplifiers," commented Brian Ann, Chief Executive Officer of GCS. "In addition, we introduced a new 0.25um E-mode pHEMT super low noise process to further enhance our broad portfolio of pHEMT process family. The new pHEMT process achieved an Fmin of 0.38 dB with an associated gain of 13.5 dB @ 12 GHz. The process also has an Fmax of 170 GHz which is capable of meeting most high frequency commercial receivers and military phased array radar systems with demanding performance requirements," continued Brian Ann.

GCS will exhibit at the IMS2014 in Tampa Bay, Florida June 3-5.

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