News Article

Kyocera says its compact LEDs mimic the sun

The new LEDs are said to produce spectrum close to sunlight and the ceramic technologies deliver low power consumption and extremely long life
Kyocera believes it has developed a new type of LED that produces a colour spectrum very close to natural sunlight making it ideal for colour inspection applications.

The new products are said to offer low power consumption and extremely long life in an array of lighting options. These include fluorescent tubes, standing lights and compact handheld lamps - making them a good alternative to large, heat-producing xenon lamps in areas such as automotive paint inspection.

Kyocera’s new LEDs come in an array of lighting options: desktop type (top left), straight tube (top right), and handheld (bottom; front and side views) (Product images are not shown to scale)

Kyocera’s new LEDs render a wider and more intense spectrum of light, approximating natural sunlight, than conventional LEDs
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