News Article

MELCO begins production with new Aixtron MOCVD tool

Tool to be used for GaN-on-Si PAs for mobile communication basestations

Mitsubishi     Electric     Corporation (MELCO) has begun operations with Aixtron's AIX 2800G4 HT Planetary Reactor system. The 11x4-inch wafer configuration tool will be used mainly for the development and volume production of high efficiency GaN-on-Si power amplifiers for mobile communication base stations.

MELCO's decision to buy the G4 for production of high efficiency power amplifiers is based on the positive experience with Aixtron's previous G3 MOCVD tool generation. As the Planetary Reactor provides system flexibility and a maximum production yield through superior material uniformity combined with a low wafer bow, the company looks forward to using it in volume production.

Frank Wischmeyer, vice president power electronics of Aixtron, says: "Gallium Nitride-on-Silicon technology is becoming the technology of choice for manufacturers of power electronics as it offers high performance and cost effective manufacturing processes on 4in, 6in and 200 mm Silicon. We are very pleased to enable MELCO to produce devices like monolithic high-efficiency power amplifiers or discrete HEMTs."

GaN-based components enable higher power densities at higher frequencies with potential applications that include satellite communication and radar, in addition to mobile phone network base stations.

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (MELCO) is a Japanese multinational electronics and electrical equipment manufacturing company headquartered in Tokyo. Established in 1921, it is one of the core companies of the Mitsubishi Group generating revenues of $37,94bn in 2013.

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