News Article

Sanan Orders 50 Veeco GaN MOCVD Reactors

Order is the largest Veeco has received since 2009

Veeco Instruments announced today that Sanan Optoelectronics, the largest LED manufacturer in China, has ordered 50 TurboDisc EPIK700 GaN MOCVD reactors for the production of LEDs. 

"Sanan chose the EPIK700 due to its industry leading cost of ownership model and excellent footprint efficiency," said Zhiqiang Lin, vice chairman and CEO of Sanan. "Our beta testing of EPIK700 proved its production-worthiness, and we are confident in its capabilities and value to our Xiamen business expansion plans. Veeco has been a great partner for Sanan as we have solidified our position as the top LED manufacturer in China and increased our business outside of China as well."

Based on Veeco's proven TurboDisc technology, the EPIK700 MOCVD system enables customers to achieve a cost per wafer savings of up to 20 percent compared to previous generation MOCVD systems through improved wafer uniformity, reduced operating expenses and increased productivity.

"This large order from Sanan, the largest single purchase order Veeco has received since 2009, speaks volumes about the EPIK700's production readiness and the recovery in the MOCVD market," said John Peeler, Veeco's chairman and CEO. "We are in a great position to continue to serve our LED customers with the best MOCVD technology and customer support, and remain the industry leader."

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